Friday, May 04, 2012

it looks pretty

the last couple of weeks, i have been enraptured in the privileges of being a girl.  getting overly excited about every detail of a friend's wedding, or even a stranger's wedding for that matter.  standing in the beauty aisle at the store and opening every bottle of shampoo just to say ah, that smells pretty.  standing in the beauty aisle at the store to pick up each bottle of shampoo or face wash simply because it looks pretty.  sitting in the hair salon with your dear friend to get highlights because it looks pretty.  buying a pair of shoes simply because it looks pretty.  ooing and ahhing over every wedding picture because it looks pretty.  enjoying pedicures with your girlfriends because it feels fabulous and it looks pretty.  getting barbie pink nail polish because it looks pretty

last night ash and i loaded emmie up for a little girls' night out.  had dinner and then we went for pedicures.  thankful for quality time with ash.  it is always nice to have a conversation face-to-face with this lady since most of our conversations that take place during the week are through office messenger.  thinking back to our friendship journey, it is remarkable to see how god has continually grown us and blessed us, especially considering things started with ashley not even wanting to share her fruit with me the day we moved onto the dorm freshman year. ;)  so proud of ashley.  i find it an honor to walk alongside her and observe her as she masters this new role of being a mother.  it's breathtaking to watch emmie's adoration for her momma.  i can tell emmie is truly going to love more girls' nights.  she sat so well during our pedicures (and even looked like she was ready to have her own pedi!).  why?  because it just looks pretty.

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