Tuesday, January 01, 2013

a reflection of 2012

{a reflection of 2012}
*a couple of cherubs turned the big ONE.  sweet miss emmie and my chubby, curly-haired nephew.  happy birthday, kiddos.  little gabriel still has those chubby cheeks and is turning into a walking machine!
*celebrated a few marriages, five to be exact {the stones, the griffins, the paynes, the scheetz, the coans}.  congratulations to you all and blessings to each of you in this new year as you celebrate your first anniversaries.
*another precious baby girl has joined the family.  one of my younger cousins welcomed savanna sue into the world.  she now shares a birthday with my brother and my niece.  special day, special day!
*good friend, heather, got a new phone for christmas.  now that is a milestone.  now she can actually read the texts i send her.  welcome to the smart phone family, heather!
*baby brother graduated high school and started college.  keep up the hard work, buddy!  (even if you are going to continue evolving into a camo and plaid shirt and cowboy boot wearing fellow)
*was blessed with a fun trip to my first eagle's game.  great seats, too!  it wasn't a home game, but it was an eagle's game nonetheless.  i'll take it!
*i started going to the gym on a regular basis.  this wasn't even on my list of resolutions, and i still managed to pull it off (with the exception of november and december, but who's really keeping track anyway?!?!)

{what happened, what didn't}
remember that list i posted here introducing some of the trips and other celebrations i looked forward to in 2012?!?!  let's recap what happened and what didn't:
  • grocery shop (lame, yes.  but seriously, my roommate and i went grocery shopping jan. 2.  first time since september) --yes and no.  we were much better at grocery shopping.  and then my roommate started a job where she works from home, so she's taken an incredible lead with this household task.)
  • make a t-shirt quilt of my childhood-highschool t-shirts {maybe this year!}
  • keep up with my 2012 project life album  {maybe this year!}
  • complete my sophomore year of college project life album  {maybe this year!}
  • complete my reading list that i started last year (preferably by the april deadline, but that may really be pushing it)  --yes, this happened!  woo...now to create a new list!
  • graduate from my education specialist program  --yes, this happened, too.  so relieving to be done.
  • continue paying a large amount of my student loans (i want to be done with salliemae.  she is no good)  --yes, this went well.  still chugging along.  watch out salliemae, this may be the last year in our relationship.
  • finish christmas shopping before december  {not exactly, but it was done well in advance of christmas.  even the wrapping was completed in enough time for me to relax and enjoy the holiday festivities}
  • rolling all of the change in my ginormous crayon bank to use for a tropical vacation or a mission's trip {the bad thing about not accomplishing this, is that it means there's even more to wrap this year!}
  • get professional family pictures (yes, all of us, together, in one picture)  {maybe we'll be smiling for the camera in 2013}

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