Thursday, February 02, 2012

we celebrate a groundhog

who is the most famous groundhog?  why that is punxsutawney phil, of course.  just one more reason to love the state of pennsylvania.  though i do not always appreciate his prediction, i can join in on the excitement of making a fun, little holiday over a groundhog and his shadow.

so the verdict this year?!?!  six more weeks of winter...  {phil makes his prediction}

thank you, phil.  now normally i would be ready for spring (because that leads to summer), but things are slightly different this year.  lynchburg has not actually experienced winter yet, and i am in eager anticipation for a big snow storm.  why?  mostly because i want to be snowed in for a few days.  a couple paid days off work?  don't mind if i do.  i'll be honest though.  part of me also wants a big snow storm just so that i can show off my new snow boots, snow jacket, and snow pants that i bought at the end of the season and have yet to use.

so, thank you, phil, for giving me hope.  bring on the snow!

i may need to add a trip to punxsutawney, pa for february second in one of the next few years to come.  who's in? 


  1. pretty sure you forgot getting woken up early by Miker throwing snowballs at your windows, chasing Linus in the backyard, having Michael cook 'freedom toast' for breakfast, and of course Snow Cream! :) Ahhh- I want a snow day too!!

  2. LOVE the background on this page!! Sign me up for punxsutawney, PA but NOT for winter - bring on the summer!

  3. I'm in! Pennsylvania, here we come!
