Thursday, September 20, 2012

designing my man

if i was a a better writer and could formulate words into eloquently written sentences more, i would describe to you all of my mixed emotions and feelings about being content in my singleness versus my desire to be in a relationship.  mixed emotions about sums it up, though.  seriously.  maybe at some point i will actually take some time and try to explore the crevices of my heart and express those feelings, but not now.  right now you are about to get something completely different.

i cannot count how many times i have been asked this weighted question, "what is your type?"  my type?  i suppose my type should be the equivalent to if i could design the perfect man...  is that what that question means?!?!  i never know how to respond to that question, but over the course of this last week, i have shared some fun moments with some friends that are beginning to mold my type, or at least what ideally sounds promising.  i will continue adding to this list, and maybe someday we'll see how much of this becomes reality.  enjoy...

{older, more mature, career-established man} 
in other words, a dentist. though they would argue that the conversation developed a little differently, some married friends of mine decided i need to marry an older, more mature man.  to the wife, this meant a dentist.  to the husband, this meant a guy with an established career.  my interpretation = my friends think i'm high maintenance and need someone rich.  i'm sure this isn't exactly what they were thinking, but there may be some validity in that argument either way.

{hot and tall}
here is how this one popped into conversation.
me:  kristi, how would you like your PSL?
kristi:  hot and tall.
me:  that's how i like my men, too!
i'll admit that there is certainly truth in this one.  i may be short, but i'm no size two, so i've always wanted a guy who will make me feel petite (and secure and protected).  and why not have some good looks to go along with that security, right?

{miranda lynn alexander}
how regal does that name sound?  i likey.  okay, maybe this one is a little too specific, but fun nonetheless. in watching the news last evening with a couple of my friends, this attractive gentleman was giving some report about the election.  he may have caught our attention.  to clarify, his looks caught our attention, not his report.  we're being transparent, right?  the girls decided i needed his last name.  our initial response was to google him to determine his age.  i typed this in the search box, "peter alexander..."  (go ahead, google him.  i'll be honest though, he was more attractive on tv, than in some of his google pics.)  before i even hit enter, the first automated search line that appeared was "peter alexander married."  i guess i missed my chance with that one and apparently so did a number of other interested women in america.  sorry, ladies.

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